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Current Favorite Wine:
1997 Marcelina, Cabernet Sauvignon


Friday, April 28, 2006

The Dining Room Restaurant, Butchart Gardens (Victoria, BC)

What we both had:
Appetizer - Bouquet of hand-picked baby salad greens (it even had flowers in it)
Main course - Grilled beef tenderloin and over-roasted fillet of wild BC salmon
Dessert - Assorted petit fours (Grand Marnier truffle, brandy Napoleon, fruit tart, creme brulee)
Wines - A lot of 'em.

At first, I thought that the gardnes were going to be incredibly boring - but it ended up being one of the most enchanted and wonderful places I have ever been to. Everything was perfect, and the food was incredible as well. Those Canadians know how to do it right.


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